A not-so-technical write-up of "Zero Below The Sun"

A not-so-technical write-up with imagery and animated GIF galore of my latest retro survival horror game "Zero Below The Sun".

Game preview - Parked in the Dark

Parked in the Dark is the latest game project I've been working on.

MÅRD Tech Talk, Part 4 - Localization & Beta

I will start 2019 by announcing the release of the upcoming game MÅRD which is approaching. In this update I will briefly inform you about what's been going on with the development as of late.

MÅRD Tech Talk, Part 3 - Colors and depth

The overall visual look of MÅRD has received a total overhaul to bring out the dark and gritty look. In this post I will explain how I achieved this.

MÅRD Tech Talk, Part 2 - Terrain

In this part I am going to briefly touch on the subject of bulding terrains in my latest game "MÅRD".

One Late Night: Mobile

One Late Night: Mobile is coming soon for Android and iOS devices!

MÅRD Tech Talk, Part 1 - UMA

Let's start off this dev blog with some tech rant about my latest game "MÅRD".