• Zero Below The Sun
    Zero Below The Sun
    Classic survival horror reimagined. Set in Antarctica.
    Get it now on Steam!
  • MÅRD
    In The Dark
    Comical arcade horror fusion.
    Play for free on Steam!
  • MÅRD
    Exploration/action/horror set in northern Sweden.
    Get it now on Steam!
  • One Late Night: Mobile
    One Late Night:
    The horror experience at the office
    continues on mobile.Out now on
    Android and iOS!
  • citybg
    Paper Craft Battles
    Paper style turn-based strategy
    on iOS and Android.
    Out now!

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Black Curtain Studio is about creating life-like games that are rich with detail. Because games are more than just games.

Black Curtain Studio

The philosophy

of Black Curtain Studio

The main philosophy of Black Curtain Studio is to take everyday scenarios and settings, add a twist and make a interesting game of it.

Idea is born

Concepts are designed

Development in progress

Game is tested

Polishing iterations are made

Game is ready

From the


Latest news from Black Curtain Studio

Zero Below The Sun - Release date

It's announcement time! Zero Below The Sun will be released...

Zero Below The Sun - Demo released

The demo for my new survival horror game "Zero Below The Sun" is now available on Steam.

Hustomten released

Hustomten has now arrived on Steam - Start collecting those snacks!

Parked In The Dark released

Parked In The Dark is now available on Steam and Google Play!

Parked In The Dark release date

Parked In The Dark will be released 1 September!

Parked In The Dark on Steam

Parked In The Dark now has a Steam page and official website!

MÅRD release

MÅRD will be released May 31st on Steam!

MÅRD Gameplay Trailer

MÅRD gameplay trailer released!