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The Black Curtain Studio newsletter - May, 2016.

At a glance

Hello and welcome to the 4th edition of the Black Curtain Studio newsletter.

We are now almost halfway into the year 2016 and the summer is approacing fast. In the last newsletter back in December I talked about the release of Paper Craft Battles and some new interesting on-going projects. This time I will dig a bit deeper into one of these projects, namely: MÅRD and also talk a bit about the newly released One Late Night: Mobile.

One Late Night: Mobile has been released on Google Play and the Appstore.

The survival horror/action/exploration game MÅRD is far into development.

A development blog has been setup were ongoing projects and some tech talk is being discussed.

One Late Night: Mobile

After more than 3 years since release of the original, One Late Night has finally gone mobile. The entire original game has been revamped for a mobile conversion. One Late Night: Mobile is now available for Android devices and iOS (iPhone and iPad).

As mentioned, the game is being re-coded completely, but will of course keep the same story, gameplay and graphics. The reason for such a revamp is to avoid bringing any pesky old bugs over to the mobile version. Now the code is much more cleaner, optimized and efficient.

While the graphics stay pretty much the same, some serious optimizations had to be made. Much of the lighting you will see in the game is pre-baked. Also, full occlussion culling has been implemented to hide everything that the camera can't see and thus minimize rendering time.

The biggest change you will notice straight away is the on-screen contextual controls. To be able to control the game on a mobile device, on-screen touch controls had to be added. There's mainly a left thumb stick that controls the player movement side-to-side, back and forwards. The right side of the screen controls the camera.

As for the sound, I have kept everything original, but made it fully 3D from basic point to full spline audio sources. Remember to use headphones to get the full experience. Playing in the dark will of course give you the real immersive horror experience.

Watch the video

Google Play


A demo version for Android is also available at the link below.

Get the demo

Dev blog

A dev blog has finally been setup at where you can read some about of the on-going projects and some tech talks about how various aspects of the games are made. If you are interested about how the inner workings of a game or generally interested in game development you should check it out.

To the blog

For the future.

Hunt Or Be Hunted

Earlier this year, we unveiled a new type of action/horror/exploration fusion in a our new game "MÅRD".

Inspired by Scandinavian mythology, the wilderness and beauty of the northern Swedish nature. MÅRD is a game with horror elements where you want to explore. Hunt or be hunted are the bywords as both the wildlife and other things will put your life at risk as you attempt to explore the vast forest wilderness with only a very limited supply of ammunition at hand. With MÅRD, Black Curtain Studio - developer of the One Late Night series - aim to make an emotional impact on the player with a mystical atmosphere, immersive storytelling and a fight for survival.

This was a small excerpt from the press release which you can read in full below.

Press release

Official website


The development

In the development of MÅRD I've gone above and beyond the development of my previous games and ventured into some new areas of game development tech, some of which you can read about in the dev blog. MÅRD also features professional grade voice acting where I have worked closely with professional voice actors to deliever real immersive story telling. Read more about the development in the dev blog below.

To the blog

MÅRD also have an official Instagram where you can get the latest eye candy from the development of the game. Click the button below to follow.

To Instagram


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