As mentioned, the game is being re-coded completely, but will of course keep the same story, gameplay and graphics. The reason for such a revamp is to avoid bringing any pesky old bugs over to the mobile version. Now the code is much more cleaner, optimized and efficient.
While the graphics stay pretty much the same, some serious optimizations had to be made. Much of the lighting you will see in the game is pre-baked. Also, full occlussion culling has been implemented to hide everything that the camera can't see and thus minimize rendering time.
The biggest change you will notice straight away is the on-screen contextual controls. To be able to control the game on a mobile device, on-screen touch controls had to be added. There's mainly a left thumb stick that controls the player movement side-to-side, back and forwards. The right side of the screen controls the camera.
As for the sound, I have kept everything original, but made it fully 3D from basic point to full spline audio sources. Remember to use headphones to get the full experience. Playing in the dark will of course give you the real immersive horror experience.
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A demo version for Android is also available at the link below.
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